At our Oklahoma City law firm, professionals routinely offer free legal advice to accident victims and those who need a gut check on whether or not they have a case. In talking with these folks, we have discovered three reasons why many of those who sustained a personal injury or other loss are hesitant to consult with a lawyer.
- Mistaken perception of a case. Being grateful for having survived a massive pile-up with a truck, you are thinking that your whiplash and other injuries are minor compared to those suffered by motorists a few cars closer to the offending vehicle. This results in a mistaken perception of the gravity of your situation.
- Insurance representatives are offering you a seemingly good deal. Perhaps a representative of the insurance company made you an offer that sounds great. The caveat is that you must act now and not delay. Unfortunately, without consulting with a professional, this good deal may not be so great in hindsight.
- Fear of the legal hassle. You figure that visiting an attorney requires you to make a lot of copies, bring in files and otherwise present a well put-together case for an evaluation. In fact, this is simply not correct. Even though we welcome the opportunity to look over any paperwork and images you have, you do not have to bring them with you or even supply them later if you do not have them. We can get them directly from the source.
Even if you are certain that you do not wish to pursue a case, contact us for free legal advice just so that you can make an educated decision after learning all the facts involved in the situation.