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Oklahoma City Can I Sue If I’m Bitten by a Dog While Breaking Up a Dog Fight? Attorneys

Can I Sue If I’m Bitten by a Dog While Breaking Up a Dog Fight?

May 27, 2024

Dogs are territorial animals. This means whether on your daily walk, at the dog park, or even on your lawn, there’s always a chance your dog will end up in a tussle with another dog. Most dog fights end without serious injuries, but some can be potentially deadly for dogs, making it important to break […]

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Can I Sue If I’m Bitten by a Dog While Breaking Up a Dog Fight?

Dogs are territorial animals. This means whether on your daily walk, at the dog park, or even on your lawn, there’s always a chance your dog will end up in a tussle with another dog. Most dog fights end without serious injuries, but some can be potentially deadly for dogs, making it important to break […]

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Can I Sue Someone if Their Cat or Other Animal Bites Me?

September 25, 2023

When most people think of pet and animal-related bites and injuries, they often think of dog bites first and foremost. That’s because dog bites are extremely common. In fact, the American Veterinary Medical Association says more than 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs every year, and around 800,000 of those people seek medical attention. […]

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Can I Sue Someone if Their Cat or Other Animal Bites Me?

When most people think of pet and animal-related bites and injuries, they often think of dog bites first and foremost. That’s because dog bites are extremely common. In fact, the American Veterinary Medical Association says more than 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs every year, and around 800,000 of those people seek medical attention. […]

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What Are the Long-Term Complications of Dog Bites?

August 21, 2023

Regardless of breed, temperament, or history of aggression, all dogs are capable of biting people—and sometimes, bites happen without warning or provocation.  Some dog bites may appear to be only minor injuries, while others clearly result in significant damage to the skin, muscles, and other tissue. However, because of the risk of complications, all dog […]

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What Are the Long-Term Complications of Dog Bites?

Regardless of breed, temperament, or history of aggression, all dogs are capable of biting people—and sometimes, bites happen without warning or provocation.  Some dog bites may appear to be only minor injuries, while others clearly result in significant damage to the skin, muscles, and other tissue. However, because of the risk of complications, all dog […]

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Types of Compensation Dog Bite Victims Are Often Eligible to Receive

October 24, 2022

Whether it happens at a dog park, on a walking trail, or in someone’s home, being bitten by a dog is something no one ever expects or prepares for. It’s not only frightening and traumatic, but it’s also extremely painful and can cause serious health complications. People who are bitten by dogs often don’t know […]

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Types of Compensation Dog Bite Victims Are Often Eligible to Receive

Whether it happens at a dog park, on a walking trail, or in someone’s home, being bitten by a dog is something no one ever expects or prepares for. It’s not only frightening and traumatic, but it’s also extremely painful and can cause serious health complications. People who are bitten by dogs often don’t know […]

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Who’s responsible for a dog bite in Oklahoma?

October 17, 2018

Dogs are often referred to as “man’s best friend,” but it’s important to remember that even friendly dogs with no history of aggression can be unpredictable. All dogs have the potential to lash out or bite, even without provocation. Unfortunately for victims, a dog bite can be traumatic, painful, and even life-threatening. The risk of […]

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Who’s responsible for a dog bite in Oklahoma?

Dogs are often referred to as “man’s best friend,” but it’s important to remember that even friendly dogs with no history of aggression can be unpredictable. All dogs have the potential to lash out or bite, even without provocation. Unfortunately for victims, a dog bite can be traumatic, painful, and even life-threatening. The risk of […]

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