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Common Signs That You’ve Suffered a Defective Medical Device Injury

Medical implants and devices are supposed to help improve mobility, reduce the symptoms of certain diseases and conditions, and enhance quality of life. But for some people, getting a medical device implanted turns into the biggest regret of their lives.

That’s because certain medical devices are dangerous and defective and are prone to breaking down or failing inside the body, which can cause a host of side effects and complications. Victims of defective medical devices often need additional surgeries to remove, correct, or replace their dangerous implants, which means more medical bills and more surgery-related risks.

Because it’s important to address a defective medical device right away, it’s important to know if your device is beginning to fail. Here are common signs to look for after you’ve received a medical device implant, whether it’s immediately after the surgery or years later.

You’re Experiencing Severe Pain

Pain is one of the body’s most powerful signals that something is wrong. Although it’s common for many medical devices to cause pain in the days and weeks after surgical implantation, the pain should abate after an appropriate healing period. But some medical device recipients never experience a reduction in pain, and others may experience sudden pain after weeks, months, or years of being pain-free.

Pain that never goes away or that suddenly appears can indicate that your medical device was either implanted incorrectly or is defective. Never ignore persistent or sudden pain after receiving a medical device. In some cases, defective medical devices can even be life-threatening, especially when the primary complication is severe pain.

You’re Experiencing Bleeding

Bleeding is also a common sign of a defective medical device, but it can be difficult to detect when it’s happening in the body. Defective medical devices may damage muscle, tendons, and tissue surrounding the sites where they’re implanted. Eventually, the damage can become severe enough that bleeding occurs. And when this bleeding is unaddressed for months or years, it can become life-threatening.

Unexplained bruising and a darkening of the skin are both signs of internal bleeding, especially if they occur at or near the medical device implantation site. Some medical devices, including surgical and transvaginal mesh, can cause bleeding that can be observed externally. Frequent or constant bleeding can result in weakness, anemia, fainting, and other serious problems.

Your Mobility Is Impaired

One of the most common uses for medical devices is to improve mobility. This is the case for some of the most common implants, which include joint replacements in the knees and hips. But when these joint replacements are defective, patients can experience the opposite effect of what they desired: reduced mobility.

Reduced mobility can occur when joint replacements are designed improperly or cause significant inflammation in nearby tissue. In some cases, joint replacements can even break down over time. That means that while they may work well initially, their components and overall structure can gradually “dissolve,” rendering them weaker and less capable of supporting movement and weight.

Your Medical Device Has Been Recalled

Sometimes, months or years can go by before patients realize that their medical devices are defective and have caused serious injuries. But they may already have incurred damage or injuries from their devices and simply aren’t aware of it yet. One clue that your medical device may be harming you is if it has been recalled.

It’s important to keep a close eye on product recalls. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration maintains a database of recalled drugs, supplements, foods, medical devices, and more on its website. In addition to highlighting newly recalled products, it also shows previous recalls. You can use the search function to determine if your device was recalled at any point after (or even before) you received it.

Medical Device Injury Claims Require Experienced Legal Representation

Because medical device injuries can be potentially fatal, especially when infection is a factor, it’s important to see a doctor right away if you suspect you’re a victim of a flawed or defective device. Unfortunately, the cost of treating a defective medical device can be enormous. Not only will you likely need another surgery, but your recovery period may be even longer than it was after the first procedure.

Our Oklahoma medical device lawyers know what you’re facing, and it’s our goal to help you get full compensation. Contact Parrish DeVaughn Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation. We’ll hold the medical device manufacturer liable for your expenses and fight to get you maximum compensation.

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