At times, our Oklahoma City work injury lawyer talks to friendly folks who got hurt and waited too long to seek help with protecting their legal rights. In many situations, they could have benefited from compensation that would have paid medical expenses and made up for lost wages. Do not make the same mistake! We offer free legal advice. Taking advantage of this program makes sense.
- Free case review. Know from the onset whether you have a case or not. Rather than trying to tough it out only to later on regret that you never proceeded with a suit, find out early on if doing so is even possible.
- Honest opinion. Discussing your situation with a professional who is well versed in the fields of accidental and wrongful death litigation, workers’ compensation, personal injuries, and auto as well as motorcycle crashes makes sense. Allow a lawyer to give you an honest opinion on the merits of your case and possible strategies, which allows you to decide on what action to take.
- Contingency billing. If you do have a case and would like to proceed, there are no out-of-pocket expenses unless the lawyers on the case win. Yet you cannot get to this point unless you first call for free legal advice.
- Recommendations for dealing with insurance agents and creditors. When the phone starts ringing, and insurance agents want to discuss the case with you, it is easy to get confused. When creditors are starting to call as well, you may even be tempted to accept the first offer the agents make you. Getting advice ahead of time helps you think through your responses and stick to your bottom line.
Contact us today to learn how to protect your rights and to receive free legal advice.