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What You Need to Know About Post-Accident Shock

The immediate aftermath of an auto accident is a critical time period for victims. In addition to laying the groundwork for pursuing a compensation claim, it’s also a time when their health may be at its most vulnerable. Many victims need medical treatment for their injuries after a car crash to prevent additional complications from occurring. In many cases, injuries are masked by post-accident shock.

One of the most common post auto accident-complications is physical shock. There are many types of physical shock, but the type most strongly associated with auto accidents is hypovolemic shock. People who experience hypovolemic shock are at risk of internal organ damage and even death due to lack of blood flow throughout their bodies.

Psychological shock is also a significant concern for many auto accident victims, and it can begin manifesting immediately after crashes. However, it’s often not apparent until hours, days, or weeks later as adrenaline from the crash wears off and victims begin to relive their accidents.

It’s important for victims get legal representation as soon as possible after crashes, as post-accident shock can result in mistakes that can jeopardize their compensation claims.

Both types of shock can be severely disruptive to victims’ lives and their livelihoods. They’re often associated with expensive treatments and prolonged time away from work—and in some cases, permanent disability. That’s why the Oklahoma auto accident attorneys at Parrish DeVaughn Injury Lawyers are here to help you if you were injured in a crash that wasn’t your fault. You may be facing a long road to recovery from both a physical and mental standpoint, and we want to be in your corner from start to finish.

3 Things to Know About Physical Shock

Physical shock is common after crashes, especially those that cause victims to suffer deep wounds and internal injuries. Three things to know about it include:

  1. Hypovolemic shock is more strongly associated with crashes than other types of shock—There are multiple types of physical shock, including shock caused by spinal cord damage, heart attacks, strokes, and pulmonary embolism. However, shock caused by a rapid drop in blood pressure and blood volume—which is called hypovolemic shock—is the type of physical shock most often experienced by auto accident victims.
  2. Physical shock can be fatal—All types of shock have the potential to be life-threatening, including hypovolemic shock. People who experience hypovolemic shock don’t get enough blood pumping throughout their bodies, putting their vital organs at risk of serious damage and even failure.
  3. Shock victims may need to be resuscitated—Rapid blood loss and loss of blood pressure can result in loss of consciousness. When victims pass out, their conditions may continue to rapidly deteriorate. First responders often need to perform CPR or attempt to resuscitate hypovolemic victims, and they may need intravenous fluids and even blood transfusions to recover.

Post-Accident Shock Victims May Be Eligible for Compensation

When victims get injured in auto accidents through no fault of their own, they deserve compensation. And that compensation should include any complications caused by their injuries, and not merely the injuries themselves. This is especially true when complications like hypovolemia can be so debilitating and even potentially fatal.

At Parrish DeVaughn, we take into account all the ways that auto accidents affect victims, including both their initial injuries and complications they experienced in the minutes, hours, and days after crashes. If you or someone you love was hurt in a crash that resulted in post-accident shock, we’ll determine exactly how much money you’re owed for your medical bills and lost wages, and we’ll do everything in our power to help you get it.

3 Things to Know about Psychological Shock

The impact of psychological shock may seem less intense than physical shock because it’s not immediately life-threatening. However, psychological shock—also known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)—can impact victims long after their physical injuries have healed. Three things to know about psychological shock include:

  1. It can affect witnesses and people who weren’t injured—Some people experience PTSD after witnessing auto accidents involving their loved ones or even complete strangers. Others may develop PTSD after being involved in crashes that didn’t cause any injuries to themselves or their passengers. Because auto accidents are sudden, unforeseen, and loud, victims can develop PTSD even if they aren’t directly harmed.
  2. It can make it difficult for victims to continue to drive or ride in cars—It’s common for auto accident victims to develop phobias related to vehicles, driving, and being near traffic. They may avoid situations that require traveling in vehicles, and that can put a strain on their relationships and their careers.
  3. It can be a lifelong challenge to overcome—The fears, anxiety, and depression associated with psychological shock can have permanent effects on auto accident victims. They often require extensive therapy and counseling to overcome PTSD-related symptoms.

Suffering from PTSD? We Want to Help You Get Compensation.

Post-accident shock and PTSD can interfere with every aspect of your life. It can be difficult to enjoy spending time with your loved ones and participating in hobbies you once enjoyed when you’re dealing with anxiety, depression, and other psychological disturbances related to the crash. In addition, you may be unable to work, leaving you without the income you and your loved ones need.

Our Oklahoma City auto accident lawyers want to help you get compensation for all the ways the crash affected you, including your pain and psychological suffering. Contact us today—we’re ready to go to work for you and your loved ones.

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