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Getting Compensation After An Accident Where There Are No Injuries

Originally published July 20, 2020.

When you’re in a car accident, even when there are no injuries, you are probably going to be left with big bills. That’s because even a simple low-speed fender bender can result in thousands of dollars in vehicle repair costs.

When you can’t afford an unexpected repair bill, or the added cost of finding alternative transportation while your car is in the shop, you need money. And when the other driver was at fault for the crash, you have the right to demand their insurance company pay for your repair costs.

At Parrish DeVaughn Injury Lawyers, we know how important it is to have a working and reliable vehicle—and how devastating it is when your vehicle is severely damaged in a crash.

That’s why we’ve prepared these tips to help you handle a property damage claim without needing to hire a lawyer.

What Compensation Are You Owed?

If you plan to file a property damage claim to get compensation for your losses after a car crash, it’s important to know what you can get compensation for.

Compensation can and should include:

  • If the car is repairable, the costs of the repair – Always request OEM parts, and don’t allow them to use aftermarket parts in your repair!
  • If the car is totaled, the fair market value of your vehicle before the crash
  • The cost to rent a car to replace yours while it is being repaired
  • The cost to replace any upgrades you made to your vehicle, such as special rims or a high-end stereo system
  • The cost to replace children’s car seats or booster seats (if applicable)
  • The cost to replace any personal property in the vehicle that was also damaged in the crash, such as a cell phone, laptop, sunglasses, etc.

Follow These 6 Steps for Compensation

Most minor car accident claims that don’t result in injuries can be negotiated and settled out of court quickly with the insurance adjuster. Here’s what you need to know to improve your claim’s chances of settling quickly:

  1. Contact the police at the scene. Call 911 even if you think the damage is minor. Some damage may not be visible or immediately obvious.
  2. Get the other driver’s contact and insurance information. You need to know the name, phone number, and auto insurance provider of the driver who hit you to file a claim.
  3. Take pictures. Get pictures of both vehicles, the position of the vehicles, debris around the vehicles, and any damaged personal property. This is especially important in proving the damage to your vehicle happened at the scene.
  4. Contact your insurance provider. Even if the damage to your vehicle is minor, your insurance provider needs to know about the crash. Auto insurers require notification of all crashes within a relatively short timeframe — often 48 hours or less.
  5. Gather receipts for any personal property that was damaged. This will help establish the value of the damaged items and how much compensation you will need to replace them. If you have photos that show the condition of the damaged items before the crash, gather those as well.
  6. Keep a record of important crash-related information. This should include dates and times, contact information for the other driver and any witnesses, the responding officers’ names, the police report number, the name of any insurance adjuster you speak with, a summary of what was discussed on any call, and the claim number.

Most of the paperwork of property damage claims is handled by the insurance companies. Once the property damage claim process begins, your insurance will negotiate with the other driver’s insurance. Likely all you will be responsible for is dropping off your car at a repair shop and informing the insurance company which shop you used after providing the police report and any other evidence you collected such as receipts or photos.

An insurance adjuster will visit the shop to inspect your vehicle and determine the extent of the damage. Once the value you are owed is calculated, the insurance company will send you a check (if the vehicle repair costs are the only thing owed, they may send this directly to the repair facility). You may also be required to sign a release before receiving your check.

When Car Accidents Cause Injuries, We’re Here to Help

Thanks to modern safety features, many crashes only result in property damage, and drivers and passengers walk away unscathed. However, injuries are always a possibility during crashes—even those that occur at low speeds.

If you are injured in a crash, it will be much harder to calculate how much you’re owed for expenses like medical bills and lost wages, and even harder to get the insurance company to agree to pay it. In these circumstances, it is best not to go it alone.

After an injury caused by a reckless driver, contact the experienced car accident attorneys at Parrish DeVaughn Injury Lawyers. There is no charge to speak to our team for a case review, and if you decide to hire us, you’ll pay no fees unless we win.

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