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Oklahoma City Talcum Powder Lawsuit Attorneys

Women who have used talcum powder have an increased likelihood of developing ovarian cancer. If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and have used talcum powder in the past, call us now. You may be able to file a claim against the talcum powder companies for not including a warning with their product.

Talcum powder is made from a mineral called Talc. It is commonly referred to as baby powder. It is used in many products from foot powders to make-up to deodorants. Some women use baby powder on their genitals, on feminine hygiene products or on contraceptive devices. The most prevalent use of talcum powder is to keep areas dry and prevent skin rashes.

Studies on Talcum Powder’s Link to Ovarian Cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, some studies have suggested that women using talcum powder have an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer. Loose talcum powder particles can travel through the uterus and fallopian tubes to the ovaries. Talcum powder becomes an irritant inside the ovaries. As a result, the ovaries become continuously inflamed. The inflammation of the ovaries can increase the risk of cancer.

Many times, women will have used this powder long before they develop the first stages of cancer. They may have even stopped using it by the time they start to see symptoms of cancer.

The first study on ovarian cancer and talcum powder was in 1971. Researchers decided to conduct the study after finding talc particles in an ovarian cancer patient’s ovaries.

Did You Know?

Women who use talcum powder are 92% more likely to develop ovarian cancer, according to a 1982 study.

Talcum Powder Lawsuit Over Ovarian Cancer

In 2013, an ovarian cancer patient won a lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson. The jury determined that executives at Johnson & Johnson knew of the association between their product and ovarian cancer.

No Warning to Women

Many companies have talcum powder products, one of the biggest being Johnson & Johnson. Even with the prevalence of talcum powder in hygiene products, few feature warnings about health risks.

Knowledge of the ovarian cancer risk with talcum powder has been around since the early seventies. Consumers have an expectation to believe that the products they buy are safe for use. When a company does not disclose known health risks, they are acting recklessly.

Talcum Powder Lawyers

You shouldn’t have suffered because of a company’s product that you trusted. We offer free talcum powder case reviews. We will work with you to file your claim. You could be entitled to compensation to cover the medical bills and emotional trauma caused by your ovarian cancer.

Contact the attorneys at Parrish DeVaughn Law Firm for your free case review!

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