Navigate the System with the Help of Your Own Workers’ Comp Lawyer
If you’ve never navigated the workers’ comp system here in Oklahoma City, you might be surprised to discover just how many hoops you might need to jump through to get the your injuries covered. Without the right help, it could take years to navigate the system and resolve your claim. When you’re already hurt or ill from being on the job, you might not have the strength or the stamina to fight for your rights.
Of course, it’s possible that everything goes through smoothly without any contentions. If you have a good relationship with your employer, you almost certainly expect the process to go through without a hitch. What you may not realize, however, is that your employer is probably not the big decision maker in your case.
Workers’ comp is a form of insurance. Just as an insurance agent can investigate and dispute a car accident claim, the representative of your employer’s worker’s comp insurance company can investigate and dispute your work injury or illness claim. After all, it’s not your employer’s money that is going to cover your medical and leave expenses. It’s the insurance company’s money that covers all of that and they’ll fight to keep that money.
Hiring a workers’ comp lawyer is your best bet for expediting your claim. Parrish Devaughn is the Oklahoma City personal injury firm you need to get the results you want from your workers’ comp claim in a timely and expedient manner. Contact us today to navigate the system and resolve your claim.