Lawyer Discusses Wrongful Death after a Traffic Accident
A pickup truck occupied by five teenagers crashed after the motorist allegedly attempted to elude police during a chase in LeFlore County on Saturday, August 15.
Motorist Loses Control
According to a Shady Point police report, the pursuit occurred at about 1:30 a.m. as a 1997 Chevrolet pickup truck was westbound on Latham Road. The motorist reportedly lost control of the vehicle, causing it to veer to the right and then back to the left as the driver reportedly over-corrected. The truck went off the left side of the road and struck a tree.
Occupants Trapped
Firefighters with the Panama and Shady point fire departments responded to the scene. All five occupants required extrication. The 17-year-old motorist, a 14-year-old passenger and a 15-year-old passenger died at the scene. Emergency personnel transported the remaining two occupants, both 17 years of age, to an Arkansas hospital. They are in critical condition, according to KOCO News.
The police report cites unsafe speed as the cause of the fatal wreck.
Although the investigation into this particular accident is ongoing, victims, and survivors of victims of certain traffic accidents may seek compensation via civil litigation. When it is reasonable to assert that negligent conduct contributed to injury or loss of life, monetary damages are often sought for pain-and-suffering, medical bills, lost wages. Survivors of those killed often seek compensation for loss of companionship and burial expenses.
If you or a family member is a victim of a traffic accident, it is possible to review the matter with a wrongful death lawyer focused on relevant aspects of the law. Our firm fights the insurance companies to get the just compensation that our clients deserve. To learn more, please contact us.